Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why so judgmental?

I work hard for what/who I am... if that makes sense. I work hard to be a good student. I work hard in the morning to look nice. I work hard on my personality to become a better person. I work hard at my job so I will have good references later on in life. I work hard to have people like me.

Do people know this about me? Maybe, maybe not. I know that I am sick and tired of having people label me as the skinny, white girl, who has it all and who they feel like they need to knock down. I've had a gradual climb to the top and nobody, I repeat NOBODY is going to knock me down. I work too damn hard to fall. I can easily share the top with others. The top is as big as the universe and there's room for everybody. It's when people start pushing others off, that's when I become the Hulk.

Blogging is my outlet. Tomorrow, I tackle religion.

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