Sunday, May 15, 2011

High School Dances

Ugh... Every time I go to a high school dance, I'm repulsed. Although, there are beautiful boy ands girls everywhere and they're looking their best, I'm appalled. Grindfest, as I call it, that's what a high school dance is. Now, I understand grinding is the dance of our generation; however, there is a profound line that you should not cross. Touching your toes and rubbing your butt furiously on some guy is not dancing... it's having sex with clothes on. It's so bad that I feel the need to look away to give the couple some privacy, but then again, they're practically having sex in front of a hundred people.

I went to my boyfriend's senior prom last night. I witnessed one couple be approached (at least) 5 times because their dancing was too inappropriate. I have three thoughts that come to mind:
1. Aren't they embarrassed?
2. I really wish they would stop because I'm seriously disturbed.
3. How disrespectful!

I don't understand the need to "fight the man" and dance even harder on each other. If a teacher or principal has asked you to calm down your dancing, then you respect their boundaries and do it.

To top it all off, the girls that I saw grinding the hardest were with guys that treated them the worst, which I'll leave for my next entry because if I start on this issue now, I'll be here on this computer hours.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Macho Men."

Now, my love life has no problems. I've been with a great guy for almost two years and to clarify this post isn't related to him in the least bit.

My concern is my friends. I can get along with just about everyone, but I usually get along better with guys... hoping that they'd be less emotional and less dramatic. Boyyy, was I wrong. I've learned in my freshman year of college that guys can sometimes be even more dramatic. They may not show it, but that's what makes them more dramatic! Boys (I say boys because they act like it in most cases) will bottle up their emotions and decide not to show them. Why? Because they're expected to be macho men. My "favorite" case is when guys will be emotional in front of girls, but when in front of guys they're expected to be masculine.  WHY?

Stereotypes strike again.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Too much division...

I'm not talking about math... though I do despise the subject.
America is divided beyond belief.
Republican vs. Democrat (Or Liberal vs. Conservative)
Catholicism vs. Islam vs. Protestantism vs. Atheism
Boxers vs. Briefs
Pessimists vs. Optimists
White vs. Black
And so many more! People automatically judge if they see an Obama/ Biden 08 or McCain/ Palin 08 on someone's car. WHY? Why do we have to be so discriminatory against others' views?
My most recent incident with this is the death of Osama Bin Laden, most specifically President Obama's address to the American citizens. After his speech, I looked on Facebook to see what others had posted. Most of what I witnessed was inadequate education. People were criticizing unimportant details about Obama. For example, how he said Pakistan--Really? For the record, he said it correctly. Most Americans say the word incorrectly. Another was complaining at how Obama was a "worthless scrotum," but neglected to follow up with anything evidence or reasons as to why they believed that. I don't care what your beliefs are, whether you like our president or not, but there are two things that I'd like to address:
1. Back up your beliefs with some evidence and legitimate reasons otherwise you make yourself look like an ass.
2. Obama is our president, he was voted in democratically and deserves respect. In case the reader hadn't noticed, I am fairly liberal, but I did not disrespect President Bush. All of our presidents deserve respect because they are our leaders.

Some days, I feel like I've lost faith in humankind.