Saturday, June 11, 2011

Girls, Girls, Girls...

Dear girls of the world,
This post may sound feminist, so if you choose to you may ignore this. For those of you who have respect for yourself, I applaud you. Girls who struggle with guys treating them like dog poop all the time and would like to change the situation, read my tips.
1) Don't act stupid in front of guys, simply for their attention.
2) Don't give up the V card to just anybody.
3) Do be yourself. You are the only one who is good at being you. If you lie and say that you're someone you're not, the guy is practically cheating on you. He thinks you're someone else. You don't want that.
4) Be fairly conservative with your clothing. You don't need your boobs pushed up to the sky to get a DECENT guy's attention. Most guys if they see cleavage, that is all they are paying any attention to.
5) As cliche as it may be, it's true: be confident in yourself and like who you are.
6) It is not your job to change a guy. If he's a cheater, don't try to change him. Karma will get him some day.
7) Don't try too hard. Relationships and dating require work, but if you're struggling to stay in a relationship so much that you feel that you're more sad than happy- let it go and move on- no matter how hard it is.
8) Never settle for less. If you think you deserve a smart, funny, polite guy- then you most likely do!
9) If you want to be courted, you must be chivalrous also.
10) If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

Thank you and goodnight.

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